About Project
26 November
The aim of the project is to improve social integration, access to basic social services and economic opportunities for vulnerable households in Tsalka municipality throughout the support to local communities via participatory planning and implementing a rural development strategy.
Our goal is to reduce rural poverty and improve living conditions in Tsalka municipality, addressing economic, social, and environmental concerns by improving agricultural competitiveness, promoting sustainable management of natural resources, and building climate-resilient rural economies and communities.
The project is implemented by CENN in a partnership with:
• Georgian Farmers’ Association (GFA)
• Institute for Rural Development Research (IfLS)
The action will provide support to smallholders, entrepreneurs, women, youth and other local actors by improving access to knowledge and innovation, demonstrating value chain development, introducing best practices, creating public-private partnerships (PPPs) and business linkages, and generating new employment by utilising the development potential of the area. In order to achieve these, we will:
1. Create and empower Tsalka Local Action Group (LAG) with equal gender and youth participation, representing vulnerable groups following the participatory approach and LEADER principles,
2. Develop a gender and youth-sensitive Local Development Strategy and incorporating the specific needs of all groups living in Tsalka Municipality,
3. Finance projects prioritised by the members of Tsalka LAG in the municipality’s Local Development Strategy,
4. Improve socioeconomic integration of vulnerable households by empowering women and youth.